2 Star Reviews for 2011 Subaru Outback

Overview & Reviews

Average Score

4.38/5 Average
155 Total Reviews
This Year's Model Updates:

A rearview camera is added to the options list for the 2011 Subaru Outback. The 3.6R Limited trim gets standard satellite radio.

  • Spacious interior, excellent outward visibility, crossover-besting cargo space, comfortable ride, perfect crash scores, commendable off-road performance for a wagon, simple controls on lower trims.
  • Lacks agility, numb-on-center steering, poor base stereo, fussy controls on upper trims.

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 155.00
  • This aint the Subaru that they built their reputation on... - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    Their rep. is maintained by fans. Subaru is no longer the "outback" vehicle of choice. If you live in an area that requires chains, forget it. The AWD with standard all-weather tires is the best youre going to get if you have to drive to see snow. There is no room for chains, cables or belts! Required in SoCal! This has been a piece of junk. CVT trans (for improved economy) is weak for its weight, esp. in reverse where it has stalled on inclines multiple times. The electronics are in the dark ages. Ive regretted buying this heap for a long time: Transmission problems have been long-lasting, cooling system issues at 40k and factory-installed alarm/shock sensor is beyond useless.

  • Head Gasket Issues - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    Had to get head gaskets machines at 75,000 miles and it was downhill maintenance wise from there. We were lucky that we had the warranty to 100,000 miles but we used it so much for other things that were breaking that we decided to get rid of the car before the warranty expired. The dealership was awesome in always checking to make sure repairs were covered under warranty too. The cloth interior showed wear and stains quite rapidly which was disappointing considering we are the perfect people they market the car to (outdoorsy family with kids and dogs). Spacious interior was nice. Sadly I’m off Subies until they can resolve the head gasket - my brother in law experienced the same on his ‘09 Forester and unfortunately it was past his warranty. Just can’t take the chance.

  • 2011 Outback Noise Problem - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    Heres the 2011 Subaru Outback with the noise that car buyers are complaining about. Loud inside the car and out. Occurs in park, neutral and drive. Starts at about 1100 RPM. Dealers will tell you this is normal. THIS IS A NEW CAR....two weeks old....this is not normal and Subaru should repair / recall this car to fix this problem. View and listen to this defect at youtube.com and look up user mudridx. See and listen to the subaru_outback.mov for yourself. Visit the Subaru forums and read the many complaints about the Outback "chirping". Google "Outback chirping" and read for yourself. It is not acceptable that Subaru is not addressing this problem.

  • Bummed - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    Im bummed about my first new car. My wife and I, recently married and just move cross country to the bay area. We bought a new subaru thinking that they were reliable. Weve had the car for about 5 months now and on several occasions have experienced loss of power and the sent of burnt clutch when heading up hills. In august we recieved a notification from Subaru that there was a recall maintainance on the transmission. some holes were missing on the transmission coolant tube. We promptly had the repair taken care of. since that time we have experienced the same issue a few more times. I think the problem is that the car is too heavy for the base models engine. -Bummed

  • Believe it or not the Ford Edge is better - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    I have owned two Subarus...a 2011 OUtback wagon (4 cylinder w/CVT) and a 2009 Forester. Both cars were made with cheap plastic, had alot of rattles, transmission issues, and the darned muffler guard had to be tightened every 3 months or so. All of these items were apparently part of the regular joy of owning a Subaru and were not seen as requiring a recall fix. After owning the Outback for 18 months, I just had enough of having to take it back to the dealer to get things tightened up. I traded that car in for a 2013 Edge and have been EXTREMELY happy with it. The only issue with the Edge it to make sure to get the Scotchguard on it if you get cloth interior. Ford Edge rules!

  • Big mistake - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    I will never buy another Subaru product as long as I live. Biggest piece of junk I have ever owned. The quote un quote AWD is a joke, I backed my car around the back of my house to unload some bricks out of it, and it got stuck in the grass and made ruts in my yard. AWD really? It slides in the slightest amount of snow. No power, rides rough. All around it is horrible.

  • Surprisingly Disappointing - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    Bought the 2011Subaru November 2010(after reading the great Subaru reviews) with 5 miles. 4 years into it, catalack(probably wrong spelling) converter went, fortunately the miles were right below the covered warranty for the converter and that was covered($2000). 166.000 miles in, the transmission is having issues, the emergency breaks need to be replaces(dont know why, never use it). This is not a small repair and Subaru America does not send behind their cars after certain amount of miles. Trade-in value dropped significantly due to the expensive fixes. REALLY, REALLY DISAPPOINTED.

  • Horrible Mistake - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    Bought 3.6R limited with 25,000 miles and have had constant problems with suspension. I have had in dealer 3 times and 2 other shops and no one has a clue. I replaced front shocks as dealer suggested-- of course NOT under warranty. Car still makes clunking noises over small road imperfections and VERY noisy as well . Seats comfortable but made with cheap leather and all interior bits seem slapped together. Got the 6 cylinder because of power and the 4 cylinder with CVT rubber band transmission pathetic-- yet Subaru still somehow succeeds in make the six sound like a 4 cylinder. Cant wait to get rid of it...Never again

  • This car is unsafe and has quality issues - 2011 Subaru Outback
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    I purchased a year old outback with 17,000 miles in excellent condition. Shortly after while driving with my wife in the passengers seat the air bag off indicator light was on. Its sometimes on and some times off. My wife weights about 120lbs well above 102lbs limit. The car also has rust forming under the lip of the rear hatch door. Subaru refuses to cover the rust repair and says the air works as designed. This is a serious safety issue. They said they fixed it in the 2012 model. There solution was to sell me a new car. Wow this company sucks! We bought this car for its reported safety, what a joke. My wife and daughter are nervous when sitting in the front seat

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