4 Star Reviews for Mitsubishi Diamante

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4.50/5 Average
201 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 11 through 20 of 201.00
  • Love this car - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I love the way this car handles and the power it has when needed. It still looks better than most cars on the road today. If I had to do it again I would still buy it. The mileage on the hwy is a respectible 22 mpgs...The only downfall is in the city where it drops to about 12 mpgs.

  • Totally underestimated - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I bought my first Dimante in 1993. I did not realize how wonderful of a car it was until I have gone through a 96 Jag XJ6 and 98 Cadillac Seville. Ultimately, it was the best car I have ever owned. Therefore, I am back at the helm of 2002. For the money, you cant beat the equipment. The style, handling and standard features match those of much more expensive cars. In the state of the economy, I am definately for getting the most for my money. I would recommend a test drive.

  • Great Car for the money - 2000 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Love the car but hate to see it losing value. OEM parts are ridiculously expensive and aftermarkets are hard to come by. Gas mileage is not all that great (20- 22 MPG) and heater core problem is starting to surface. I would recommend this car if you can find an exceptional deal .

  • tires and brake life - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Bad tire wear. We had the the tires replaced due to road noise after 26,000 miles. The car is in the shop for rotation and balance on a regular schedule. Brakes have problems. The left rear is making a dragging noise. We have had the car in the shop 2 times for brake problems. The car otherwise has been good to us but we are very unhappy with the resale value.

  • 100,000 Miles 2002 Diamante LS - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I have owned my LS for just over 4 years now and have just under 100,000 miles on it having purchased it used with 17k miles. I test drove a variety of vehicles at the time within my price range and options requirements. Nothing else came close to the value of this car. Pblms at 100k miles: 1. One door speaker needs to be replaced 2. Antenna no longer retracts. 3. Roof Liner in back has started to droop Minor issues, but lead to a problem; replacement parts are hard to come by due to the rarity of the car. Mechanically its been a rock. Zero Dollars past scheduled maintenance so far. I am still in love with this car 4 years later.

  • rattle box - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    caris a rattle box all over. Wind nosie at all all speed. Poor gas mileage

  • Owner - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    This car is an excellent value. Too bad they quit making it. It has been extremely reliable. I have spend virtually nothing on maintenance after 60 months. The USA could learn something from this car designed in Japan and built by the our Australian friends. QMI used with this vehicle since new. At speeds of 70-75 mph I have been averaging 27 mpg.

  • Good experience owning this car - 1997 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I purchased my Diamante in 2000 with 44k. It ran relatively maintenance free until about 2004. Since then have replaced front and rear struts and radiator. Have replaced brakes three times since purchase. Currently have 112k on car. Overall this has been a reliable vehicle with good performance and comfort. I am thinking about replacing this vehicle because of family needs, but I will miss it. I would purchase this car again.

  • Best Kept Secret - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I had not intended to purchase a Diamante until offered one from the dealer. I think, in the luxury sedan class, it is the best kept secret for having all the bells and whistles of much more expensive models like the 5 series BMW or the Lexus 300 series. It also has a great ride, handling, and "kick".

  • Could be a great car! - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    The Diamante is a good car and could be a great car. A lot of noises from the rear suspension, old fashioned door design (no door frame) makes wind noise, low seating position, and most of all TERRIBLE RESALE VALUE!! This was a $28,000 plus car, barely worth half of the MSRP. Compare resale value to that of a Toyota Avalon or Nissan Maxima. Dont buy this car unless you want to keep it until the whels fall off. Mitubishi needs to either fix this car and eliminate on its poor image or PULL THE PLUG ! ! Barrcuda

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