4 Star Reviews for Mitsubishi Diamante

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4.50/5 Average
201 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 41 through 50 of 201.00
  • Near-luxury - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Ive had many Mitsubishi products, from Eclipse Spider to Galant; I thought Id step up to their idea of a luxury auto. Overall, I have not been disappointed, but there are some small things that would have gone a long way to filling in my ideal of a true luxury vehicle.

  • Expensive to fix - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    When I first purchased this car it ran great. Currently have about 90,000 miles on it and I am about done throwing money into this thing. I have some of the same complaints as others; wind noise, not a very smooth ride, and most of all expensive to fix repairs. Inside door handle broke, I can only get from the factory they want over $200 for a piece of plastic. Back end has begun to sway. I have had over $600 put into it plus new tires and problem still isnt fixed. Probably going to need new shocks soon, most likely will get rid of it by then.

  • Diamante with performance - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    This car is great. The main thing I love is it has more HP than most of the muscle cars and 2 door sport cars you see on the road. Main thing it could have is RWD or 4WD. The front wheels spin to easy and when you are trying to get the car to go in the rain, here in the desert, it can be a problem. The looks a great. Gas milage is fine for what the cars compression is. You cant ask for high gas milage when you have a car like this. The only problem you will have is if you try to use Regular Unleaded instead of Premium.

  • Cool Design, Poor Build - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    The 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante looks great - it definitely gets praise for its "coolness factor.: However, the build quality is terrible. IÂ’ve previously owned Toyotas so maybe IÂ’m used cars being tight and relatively maintenance free. This car has had constant rattles in the interior, the console is made of all cheap plastic materials, at 13,000 miles the front rotors were warped (not covered under warranty), I have three rust spots on the hood (not covered under warranty), there is squeak when turning sharply (dealer canÂ’t find), in cold weather the door takes about ten slams to get it to close correctly, and the glove box has somehow sagged, This car is now worth less than half than what I paid (no seriously, in less than two years it depreciated by $16,000).

  • Best kept Secret - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I just recently bought my Diamante, actually it is my first luxury car. I found the Diamante to be afforable for what it offers. The gas mileage is a little less than what I had expected and the steering can be improved. In the aspect of accerlation I was pleasantly surprised. I find the car fun to drive but am always asked "Who makes the Daimante?" I do have to admit that I am pleased that the road is not over crowded with them, so they do stand put more and I often catch people galncing over and checking out the car.

  • The same car in Aust - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Well the car looks the same a different name, and built quality seems to be improved

  • Diamante - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    My 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante VR-X has been an excellent vehicle. I have had no reliability problems with it whatsover. Ive only had to change the oil. My only complaint is that it could have more leg room for tall drivers (I am 6 ft 3 in.).

  • Mixed Feelings... - 1997 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I love my Diamante, especially since its my first car. Styling is beautiful (looks like a BMW) and is the definition of luxury. Brakes do wear fast, and transmission does jerk a lot. Gas mileage is actually decent considering it has a V6 engine (I usually get 18-20 MPG). Around 100,000 miles, it seemed like every part needed replaced, radiator, starter, 2 head gaskets. It had a lot of mechanical problems which shouldnt be happening at only 100,000 miles. But all things considered, its a fair car, and I got a great deal on it so its hard to complain about that.

  • Mitsubishis are underated - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Bestkept secret. Glad not to see them all over the road. Much better ride than rated. Stylish interior. Incredible sound system. Best bang for the buck. Mitsu didnt market them properly. Why pay much more for Lexus 300.

  • Great Car - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
    By -

    I have had this car for six years and plan to keep for six more. It was a great purchase.

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