4 Star Reviews for Mitsubishi Diamante

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4.50/5 Average
201 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 61 through 70 of 201.00
  • Horrible resale...Not a luxury sedan - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    The car looks great and we get many compliments. However, no autodimming rear view mirror, no compass, ac/heat console is cheesy. Tire wear is bad...Had to replace after 30k miles. Road noise is not what I expected from a so-called luxery sedan. Worst of all, the resale value is horrible. A $28,000 car should not be worth $12,000 after 3 yrs.

  • MY DIAMANTE - 1997 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    My experiance with the Mitsubishi Diamante has been a good one, except for some minor problems.

  • Diamante dilema - 1997 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Great looking car - go easy on braking as they will need frequent replacement - wouldve liked heated seats for the leather (not avail in 97 model)- would like directional in the area where little tv screen - negatives include continuos trans problems in 2nd gear slipping and catching, some burning of the fluid - dealer seemed to keep doing little things to stall on replacing it- no other problems so may replace trans - also a little problem with trunk release occas not working or key in trunk not working properly when trunk has boxes in it -

  • My previously owned Diamante - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    So far it has been a very nice automobile, no problems yet. I have read reports about the heater core going out at about fifth thousand miles, so I am hoping that my car will not prove this to be true. The car is about a eight on a scale of one to ten. I love the looks of it, and the performance is good, the gas milage is a little tuff, but concidering the performance with the 210 horses, it is not too bad.

  • nice car but could of did better - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Well I bought my Diamante used.. I loved this car when I test drove it. Beware! This car carries a high symbol for insurance rates. This car is 5 years old and has a higher symbol than most brand new cars. Not worth it to insure it . Get insurance quote before u buy. Other than the high insurance and the 19 mpg on highway (which sucks with the price gas today) ---- Im trading it in. For cheaper insurance and better gas mileage . On the other hand the car has a nice style about it. It runs smooth. Oh and not very good in snow or slush. Parts and labor are more expensive

  • Started out ok - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    In its early years this car was a good car, some maintenance as expected I guess (but pretty pricy for this imported car). But as others have said, once things started going, they went fast. Had to replace alternator, muffler, tires (worn on inside) and I dont know what else in a pretty short amount of time, and now it sometimes wont even start. Ive asked around and no one knows why, we replaced the magnet at the end of the crankshaft, because it had actually blinked out and died on me while driving, but seemed to be only a temporary solution.

  • Fun, Luxury Car - 2000 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I bought this car new in 2000 for my wife. I love to drive it, and do at every opportunity! The only problem has been excessive road noise. Weve had the tires replaced (30,000 miles), but it didnt help. This is a champagne car on a beer budget. Given the choice, I would buy the Diamante LS again.

  • 03 Diamante VRX - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    This car is a nice for an entry luxuary car but it still falls far behind other competitors. ThE BASE PRICE OF THE CAR SHOULD BE EXTREMELY LOWER BECAUSE THE RESALE VALUE IS EXTREMELY POOR!

  • VRX - 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante
    By -

    Great car for performance with about 180Kw of power and a fair bit of low down power this is a great car to drive

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