4 Star Reviews for Mitsubishi Diamante

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4.50/5 Average
201 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 51 through 60 of 201.00
  • Very New Owner - 2004 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    So far, this car is great. I just bought it yesterday, and when I took it out for a spin late last night, I noticed quite a few heads turning to take a second look. Mitsubishi offered such a great incentive to buy, I couldnt resist, not to mention The awesome warranty!

  • VR-X Great Car! - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I purchased this car in November after first test driving it back in August. I had two Gallants previously, a 1996 and a 1999, both four cylinder versions. I saw the VR-X off at a distance back in August and knew that I wanted to take a closer look. Its a great looking car! When I first test drove it, I realized that it was simply on a different plane when compared to the Gallants. Its fast, tight, and super cool-looking on the inside.

  • A Great Car often Overlooked - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    This is a great car for the price. Its roomy, has good performance, and looks good. I have over 5K miles and no problems. Lots of standard features leather, 10 way power driver 8 way power passenger seats, a great traction control system, and good brakes (a must have).

  • from leasing to owning - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I liked the finanacing, plus there were no options. all was included. that was the hook. then as I drove and owned the car it performed, drove quite well. from 1 to 10 I rate it an 8 or 9 only because there isnt an auto that deserves a 10 im quit satisfied with the Mitsubishi ls 4 dr all leather seats moon roof, 6 cyl a real nice car. I expect to have it a long time, if i were to replace it I would by it again

  • Id rather drive this than a Camry... - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Bought an 02 Diamante ES new for a couple reasons... I owned a 97 Diamante - a good comfortable ride. I also like that I dont see myself coming and going - its sort of a poor mans exclusive ride. I like the power, but fun-to-drive quotient is not high - it wanders like a puppy, and has a bit too much body lean. Even so, it is competent and well behaved (at least in normal driving). The real reason I bought it was price, and unbeatable financing. It also came with a 100K mile warranty, and auto alarm... Summary - not bad if your thing is to get "there" in relative comfort and style.

  • Good car for money, BUT... - 2001 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Really liked the car when I purchased it with only 24,000 miles in 2004. By the time it had 40k miles it had the very common heater core leak... by the time it had 50k miles rear/driver side abs speed sensor failed so abs brakes are non-functional since then, neither is the traction control... both ABS and TCL light stay on all the time now. By 55k egr solenoid failed, not too costly to replace if you do it yourself. By 60k miles the rear springs are worn out, with 3 passengers in the rear the rear bottoms out, replaced shocks which didnt help at all. By 80k antenna motor failed. Bottom line, even though I like the car I wouldnt buy a Mitsubishi again, with the other options.

  • buyer beware - 2004 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    I purchased a new VRX in Dec 03. I love the power and performance. On the down side, this car has been back in the shop 9 times for repairs in six months. Once for lights, four times for brakes and three times to adjust the window on the drives side. (Door would not shut) Three times to repair the lumbar in drivers side seat. Other than constantly having to return to the dealership(which is 30 miles away) for what they call minor repairs and adjustments, I love this car. Very powerful and an incredible drive.

  • Honest Reality - 1997 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Ive had to replace the transmission and the passenger side window. The sunroof also has occassional difficulties opening but will eventually open if you play with it long enough. But its an overall good car/ powerful car.

  • Good Overall Car - 2004 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    The Mitsubishi Diamante has great acceleration, but it doesnt handle curves all that well. I also wish that it would have a temperature guage for the outside. The comfort level inside is superb. I can never go back to cloth, and manual seats again. This car has spoiled me without being too pricey.

  • Messed Up Good. - 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante
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    Somebody at Mitsubishi messed up. They made a really great car with lots of bang for the buck. My wifes boss is upset. He bought a Lexus. We test drove it at 5 dealers and pick ours up tonight. Love the VR-X package. Everyone looks twice and says what is that? Then they get in and say wow. Its the secret luxury car, for less than an arm and leg, and it does not look like every car on the Road. We had a tough time finding out baby, but that just means everyone else can drool in jelosy.

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