3 Star Reviews for 2012 Subaru Outback

Overview & Reviews

Average Score

3.82/5 Average
57 Total Reviews
This Year's Model Updates:

The 2012 Subaru Outback's Premium trim level gets a new standard sound system with an iPod interface and Bluetooth phone and audio streaming capability. A new nine-speaker Harman Kardon audio system is now part of the Premium model's options list.

  • Strong crash scores
  • Spacious interior
  • Simple controls on lower trims.
  • Commendable off-road performance for a wagon
  • Excellent visibility
  • Comfortable and composed ride
  • Lacks agility
  • Poor base stereo
  • Fussy controls on upper trims.

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 57.00
  • Not happy - 2012 Subaru Outback
    By -

    I hate this car. Traded Grand Cherokee for new Outback 2.5 Premium. Car is running like cement mixer at low speeds. Can not adjust driver seat to be comfortable. After 30 minutes of driving seat is cutting of circulation in my leg and that is everyday struggle. Engine is noisy on highway and AC in summer is not so good. Gas mileage is as posted in manual.I canÂ’t wait to get rid of this car.

  • The good and the bad - 2012 Subaru Outback
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    I bought this Car new in feb of 2012. I had ordered the 4 cyl but ever came on promised delivery date. After going to the dealer to complain about the non fulfillment I drove the 4 cyl model again on hills and found it seriously underpowered, deciding to take the 6 cyl model. At first this car was great (1 month). Then I had to make an emergency lane change and almost lost control of the vehicle. After 16 months I almost lost control of this vehicle 4 times, and decided to sell before getting hurt or worse. This car is very quiet and smooth, and is great if you drive REALLY slow. The engine and tranny are the best Ive ever had (Ive driven Audi, VW, Mercedes, jeeps and more) the

  • Poor Design, workmanship, and service - 2012 Subaru Outback
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    Our 2012 Outback passenger side seat molding has fallen off four (4) times. We have to drive 150 miles round trip to have it serviced. Last time it was "fixed" it had fallen off by time we arrived back home. Today we received a call from Karen Quinn at Subaru USA asking us to cancel our saturday appointment and reschedule for Tuesday because that is when their district manager is available. Seriously!? My wife is a COO for a health system and I am a university professor. Since when do we have to facilitate YOUR needs Subaru? Shouldnt you and your district manager facilitate OURS?

  • Not great - 2012 Subaru Outback
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    This is the only new car I have owned where I received 2 apologies from Dealer or service companies. After about 2000miles, I complained about transmission noise and the mechanic from the dealer apologized and said your stuck with it. At 12000mi, the front seat bolsters are going bad and the upholstory shop i was sent to by the dealer apologized, indicated Subaru is aware of the problem, that along with the hard to clean cloth seat covers. Subaru of America says they never heard of it so now starts the mess over warranty and for how long. The car is otherwise ok but far below what I expected

  • Major engine problems - 2012 Subaru Outback
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    I have had major engine problems. Every time I took it back to the dealer because the engine light kept coming on they couldnt pinpoint the problems. Car broke down and I had to be towed off the NJ turnpike. All of the exhaust valves had to be replaced. Now one of the coils has to be replaced. All at my expense The engine light coming on has been an issue since I purchased the car.

  • wanderer - 2012 Subaru Outback
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    we purchased this new 2012 outback with the consumer reports recommendation. i wander if any one checked this car instability at highway speeds. this car drifts over the roadway and is tiring to drive especially for an older person. it requires both hands on the wheel and constant attention ,especially if there is a windy condition, then it is really off the charts. to compound this problem is the confusing operation of the various controls to perform various operations while driving this drifter at highway speeds 50-65

  • Troubled - 2012 Subaru Outback
    By -

    Something seems very off with the drivetrain -- CVT transmission or body. Steering vibration. Car wanders when on the highway. Otherwise a beautiful car.

  • Steeriing problem at highway speeds - 2012 Subaru Outback
    By -

    Are you in the market to buy a new Outback? If you are then dont act until you have read about the steering wandering at highway speeds. Go to subaruoutbackdotorg and do a search on wandering. There are lots of posts about this problem. We just bought a new 2012 (1800 miles now) and our car wanders at highway speed (50_ MPH). You have to constantly make corrections to keep the car on track. Very tiring after a while and dangerous at times. I would not have bought this car if I had known about this problem. I hope Subaru does a recall and fix this issue.

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