2 Star Reviews for Dodge Shadow

Overview & Reviews

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4.10/5 Average
75 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 75.00
  • Poor Quality - 1993 Dodge Shadow
    By -

    Ive had to replace the altenator twice, Ive replaced the battery numerous times. The clutch now needs to be fixed. The paint is chipping severly and the body is rusting. There is a leak in the roof when it rains. The sunroof wheezes when the car is driven. Ive replaced both doors because they fell off the hinges. Ive had to replace the water pump and numerous belts. This car is not reliable. Every time I got into it I worried about how far it would actually take me. I would not recommend that anyone who is mechanically inclined purchase this vehicle. If you like fixer-uppers and know a lot about cars this car is for you.

  • Dont buy this car - 1992 Dodge Shadow
    By -

    I bought the car in August/2002. Three weeks into my purchase, the head gasket broke. Two months and $800 later, the cam shaft broke. $300 later, it broke again. I have a good mechanic who didnt charge me the 2nd time but he said it will break again because the engine isnt holding the cam shaft in place right.

  • um...maybe next time - 1993 Dodge Shadow
    By -

    hate the car. Cant wait to get rid of it.

  • Nothing but trouble - 1994 Dodge Shadow
    By -

    I purchased the car second hand from a dealership in 1998. It had 34,000 miles and Ive put 38,000 on it. In the last 3 years the car has not ran properly for more than 2 consecutive months due to some electrical problem nobody (dealerships and licensed mechanics) seems to be able to find.

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