5 Star Reviews for Audi Q3

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4.27/5 Average
21 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 21.00
  • Great value for the Price - 2015 Audi Q3
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    We really like this vehicle. The handling and performance is great. I had read that the Q3 did not have the performance that the Audi line up has. It has great acceleration and braking. I am not looking for a 700 horsepower engine , I just want to be able to get good acceleration. The scrolls for all the lists seem to be backwards and the placement of the controls is not the best forcing you to look way down when using them. The MMI package is difficult to set up needing to get on the web and sign up and then putting in other information on the car. we like the interior and are happy with the space ( I have heard complaints that the storage was small we bought a smaller SUV and expect the space. I have driven an RDX, Buick Encore, the Lexus NX and the BMW X3 and like the Q3 better than these vehicles.

  • Perfect auto for my wife.. - 2015 Audi Q3
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    this auto is great. i had forgot about the german engineering. (had 2004 z4). we replaced an acura rdx. New style v-6 (Japan) I cant believe someone only gets 17 mpg. on the average mine is 4 mpg better than the rdx. way better ride than the rdx. The q3 is about 1 shorter than rdx.

  • Love my q3 - 2015 Audi Q3
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    This is a perfect size small suv. I love it Im so glad they came out with this model. I get so many compliments on my white q3. It is vert comfy and drives great. Great on gas too.highly recommend this car.

  • Love car - 2015 Audi Q3
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    exelent car for all time

  • Perfect for me. - 2015 Audi Q3
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    I have been very pleased with the Q3. It does everything I want so I have only good things to say.

  • Just got it and its great so far - 2015 Audi Q3
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    We already have a full size SUV and found that 90% of the time we are just pulling around an empty trunk and hundreds of pound of extra weight. There was no purpose in driving that thing for the majority of our needs. So we got the Q3. It gives the SUV feel but you arent towing around all this weight and space that rarely gets used. The trunk is more than big enough for grocery trips. If you take out the covers on the trunk space and the door you can fit a lot more than you might have expected. We just brought home 8 27 gallon storage bins from homedepot with room to space. I wasnt sure they would fit in the trunk when we bought em. It has plenty of room in the back for carseats.

  • The Q3 had me at hello. - 2015 Audi Q3
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    After driving a sedan for the past few years, I was eager to to find a small SUV with sporty handling and all the bells and whistles. I did a LOT of research and considered Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk, Lexus NX, BMW X1, MB GLA, and a number of others that were ruled out long before test drive time, either due to appearance, quality or feature combinations. Long story short, the Q3 won my heart on the test drive. It sailed easily over potholes, twists and turns, and accelerated nicely onto the freeway. I love how it rides, handles and brakes. It has enough cargo space for my needs. Its so fun to drive. The experience at the dealer was great as well.

  • The Cure for the Common SUV - 2015 Audi Q3
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    What a vehicle. Has all the comfort and toys you would expect in a vehicle. Very Comfortable, Agile, Sharp, Excellent finishes, Fun to drive, Its the perfect size for those not having to haul a lot of things or people but yet enough room to fit more than a car. You get the elevated height and of course the best AWD drive system out there, Quattro. The Q3 was well worth the wait.

  • Great Car Would Buy Again!! - 2017 Audi Q3
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    This is a great car got it when my son was 5 now he is learning to drive with it. The cost to own is a little higher than say, a Nissan, but you are getting your moneys worth with this purchase. I would definatley buy this car again.

  • Audi Q3 great fit for working mom - 2017 Audi Q3
    By -

    Great if you need a smaller SUV, with style and luxury.

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