1 Star Reviews for Audi Q3

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4.27/5 Average
21 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 21.00
  • I thought this would be a very safe car but NO!!! - 2017 Audi Q3
    By -

    I just bought a brand new car for two months and only drive it for about 500 miles. The car unexpectedly started to shake and then flameout during the drive, I tried to restart the car but the engine light turned on so I had to pull to the side of the road and will ask road assistant to tow it to the dealer one week later. The Q3 is pretty outside and inside, I used to like it very much but now I regret to buy it. This car is totally unsafe and not reliable. What if this happened on the highway. Additionally, when I drive the car I feel the transmission didnt change smoothly. I can clearly feel a "break" when I release the gas pedal slightly. This is really a lemon car! I used to have a Volkswagon beetle and had really bad experience with it but now the new Audi has the similar issue. Very disappointed.

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