3 Star Reviews for Audi Q3

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4.27/5 Average
21 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 21.00
  • 2017 Audi Q3 - 2017 Audi Q3
    By -

    Just purchased a brand new 2017 Audi q3. After two weeks of having it and driving just under 300 miles the car is already back at Audi to get the engine worked on.. My wife was driving home from work when it started to shack uncontrollably causing her to pull to the side of the road. Thank god she wasnt on the highway at the time. The car would not move without shacking. The car was towed to the for them to fix. The dealership was helpful and apologized of course. Never the less I find this completey unacceptable given the fact the we have to go threw this with a brand new car. Love the look of both inside and out but so far has not been reliable.

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