Toyota T100 Research & Reviews

Overview & Reviews

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4.67/5 Average
48 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 21 through 30 of 48.00
  • 97 T-100 - 1997 Toyota T100
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    My T-100 has been amazing!! Ive had it since it was a baby at only 15,000 miles, and it now has 122,000 miles. It runs like a swiss watch, the only thing I have done to it is replace the front brakes, and change the oil, tune up is coming soon. Ive beaten the crap out of it off road, and driven it a TON on the highway, rides like a Cadillac.

  • 97 4x4 SR5 Ext cab... what a truck - 1997 Toyota T100
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    Bought a new (used) 97 T100 and cant say enough good about the truck. Just changed out timing belt/water pump and cv boots/front axles- 143,000 well taken care of miles from previous owner. Added chrome nerf bars and Zaino clay bar and wax. What a beaut. Ride and handling is adequate, mechanical quality is simple yet superb and exterior styling just make this truck special and will hold its value for years to come. Buy one that has been treated well if you can find one.

  • Most reliable vehicle Ive ever owned - 1998 Toyota T100
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    Bought it used 8 years ago, and Ive driven it like I stole it ever since. Currently has 196,000 on the clock and I can list the repairs on one hand: new ignition lock cylinder at 120k, new ignition coil and wires at 190k. Less than $600 in repairs. I get about 21 mpg on my daily commute, running it like a scalded dog. The rep on these is golden. Ive had several offers to buy mine from complete strangers. This one has made me a loyal Toyota customer for life, if not longer.

  • 1998 T100 4WD - 1998 Toyota T100
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    There is nothing to love about this truck. IF you can find one its worth every penny. This truck puts both the new Tundra and Tacoma to shame both in looks and in quality. Only trouble with these trucks is they bring a premium price and are highly sought after. If they are in good shape they are expensive and sell very quickly.

  • 97 t100 sr5 5 speed - 1997 Toyota T100
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    i bought a 97 t100 sr5 2wd 5 speed about a month ago it has 195000 as of now. i have put 5k on it myself. I really love this truck its small enough to go anywhere but big enough to tow and haul. the engine runs really well. i have had to put some money in to it though, and let me tell you these parts arent cheap and thats if you can find them. autozone only carries about half of what you need including wheel bearings and a number of other things that should be supplied. I am having real problems with my 5 speed trans. front input shaft bearing is going bad witch is going to be a 1000 for a rebuilt one. clutch pedal broke though firewall had to make my own bracket to stop anymore damage. drained rearend today and it was full of water. these trucks where cheaply made but there are some great ones out there just beware of the bad ones.

  • Great Truck - 1998 Toyota T100
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    The T-100 is an overall great truck. I have no complaints. Never had anything go wrong at all. Oil changes and tire rotations are all you really need to do. Very smooth ride, quiet engine, stylish look. The acceleration off the go could be a little better, which is the case with the 4Runner as well. My only gripe is that the interior is bland, which is the case with most Toyotas. Due to the fact that gas is now $5 per gallon, Im selling the T-100 to purchase a Camry. I have to say that I am so damn upset about this. The T-100 gets good gas mileage for a truck, but not as good as a commuter car. Gotta do it.

  • Best Truck Ever - 1998 Toyota T100
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    I have driven this truck hard, but maintained it all times. I have done all of the work, save for the timing belt, leaving this truck out of the shop from breakdowns for its entire life. I have 105,000 miles on it and and it still runs like brand new, and of course looks brand new. This, so far, has been the best vehicle I have ever owned and still love it, is red. I have put Bosch Platinum +4 spark plugs and K&N air filter and it has given the truck a slight better response and power. I must have gotten a good one, because it can keep up or beat a lot of V8s, I sure it is because of the lighter truck. Griff

  • My supercharged truck - 1998 Toyota T100
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    The driving on this vehicle is awesome. Quiet, comfortable, reliable, rides like a car.

  • I love my Toyota T-100 - 1997 Toyota T100
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    I purchased my T-100 new in 12/97 and almost 6 years later I love it just as much as I did the day I bought it. I dont know why it wasnt such a hot seller back then because I could have sold mine at least 5 times in the past 2 years. People have actually left me notes on my truck asking me if I want to sell it. I havent had any problems with it. Its excellent in the snow and the bed is big enough to haul whatever I want. My only complaint is the front of the truck is uneven, but youd have to stare at it for awhile to notice this. This is an awesome truck and should definitely have a higher resale value.

  • Good Truck - 1997 Toyota T100
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    I have had minor troubles with this truck. I have 85k miles on it and it runs like a top. A few frustrations have been the exhaust crossover pipe and the antilock brakes. The crossover pipe bolts came loose and made a terrible noise that took awhile to find the source of. (OK now) The antilock brakes, well, I just dont like them in general. Nothing particularly bad about Toyotas. All I can say is that it is a very good feeling knowing that you have a Toyota when the miles start climbing over 60k.

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