Overview & Reviews
As with the Legacy platform it's based on, Subaru's hot-selling Outback is completely redesigned for the millennium.
- The security of all-wheel drive, comfortable on pavement, capable on dirt.
- Could use more power, still not an SUV in terms of pure off-road capability.
User Reviews:
Showing 31 through 40 of 57.00-
Couldnt make it to 100,000 miles! - 2000 Subaru Outback
By Jenster - March 13 - 6:43 pmThis car was great in SLC where we bought it, but as soon as we headed east in 2008 the trouble all started. 85000 miles & middle of Iowa and catalytic converter blew and needed replaced. Which we just replaced AGAIN a week ago due to check engine light. The car has 112,000 miles and has had 2 catalytic converters, knock sensor, 2 O2 sensors, and a cracked valve repaired all this to the tune of about $8000 in 18 months. Our Toyota Corolla from 1992 runs better than this car. We bought it based on the great ratings of 200000 or more miles... this wont make it! Back to a Toyota owner after this experience.
Brakes Suck !!!!!! - 2000 Subaru Outback
By Bart_Brakes - January 29 - 2:00 amTake a look at the brake rotors of this car usually they are worse then rotten and is makes the car very unsecure. I have them replaced and can show the pictures
Too Much Money for Too Many Problems - 2000 Subaru Outback
By Caroline - January 21 - 9:26 amI was pretty enamored of this car with all its bells and whistles, but it ended up not being worth it. Ive had to replace the transmission among lots of piddly, annoying stuff. The gaskets around the doors/windows have all come loose, the hatch back door handle doesnt spring back anymore, just replaced the burned out rear wiper motor, replaced the hyrdraulic lifts on the hatch - all within the last year and a half! My 16 year-old Honda has fewer problems and starts and goes just as reliably! No more Subies for me.
Outback wagon automatic trans, good and bad - 2000 Subaru Outback
By tlpw - September 2 - 12:05 amInteresting edmunds fails to list the cars with auto trans. Had this car since 09, purchased with 120k for $4800 and has 176k on it now. CEL on since 3 months after I bought it; spent way too much trying to figure it out; dealership states due to oxygen sensors, which are supposedly all one part with the catalytic so would have to replace that whole thing-they told me to keep driving it. Lots of front end issues, huge motor/trans vibrations that no one can seem to figure out, dealer or other subaru masters. Wasted lots of cash there too. Happens whenever Im stopped in gear, always have to take it out of gear. Better mechanical knowledge needed at dealerships. Seat & driving comfort -10
Absolutely LOVE my Subaru!! - 2000 Subaru Outback
By jcanz - September 1 - 10:00 amMy husband and I just bought a used 2000 Outback wagon to replace our bloated old gas guzzling boat of an SUV. It was definitely the wisest thing we ever did. I feel very safe driving this vehicle-- the AWD is the best. Our dogs love the LARGE cargo area.
So far so good - 2000 Subaru Outback
By mark york,pa - July 18 - 10:00 amBought car new in 2000. Have 203k miles Passed down to college daughter. We had an infrequent problem with intermittent stalling and CEL. This had been occurring since new but could not solve the issue. Codes indicated MAP Sensor and replaced with used one for $50. Did NOT solve problem. Did an ECM reprogram for $90 at dealership and fixed problem! We do regular maint and car has been great. Great value, pretty good gas mileage but most importantly safe and reliable. Desirable combination. Would recommend you find a well kept one and go buy it!
Confidence to drive anywhere! - 2000 Subaru Outback
By kaddison - June 13 - 10:00 amOur main reasons for our decision in the purchase of the Subaru were safety and reliability; we found both in the Outback. This car will give you the confidence to drive anywhere, even on rough terrain
Roper Review - 2000 Subaru Outback
By maroper - February 23 - 10:00 amWe have had this vehicle for 30 months and it has never given us any trouble. I love to drive it. Has great pick up. You have to watch it or you find you are going faster than you realize. Had a problem with the speed sensor at 38,000 miles but the Power train warranty covered the total amount of repair. This has been a very dependable vehicle so far. Gets about 23 mpg. Would definitely buy it again.
2000 Subaru Outback Wagon - 2000 Subaru Outback
By Misha - January 5 - 6:30 amI bought this car based on safety and reliability records. At 80,000 miles I had to replace the trans, to the tune of $3700. I drive 2 kids around the suburbs of chicago - what more can I say? I also just found out that my head gasket needs replacing ($1300) although at 110,000 miles I suppose thats not out of the question. Mechanical issues aside, I love this car, although it is noisy above 60mph, it cant be beat on chicagos winter roads. Its a great option to the gas-guzzling suv. I had planned on driving this into the ground; I was just hoping that the "ground" was a little further away.
New to Us - 2000 Subaru Outback
By 759397 - November 7 - 10:00 amWe bought this car three months ago in May 2003 with 28K miles. Obviously I have only driven it for three months but 5K miles have been put on. I like the design of the car, the interior space and winter performance were the selling points for me. The seats are comfy, the manual shifts nice. The clutch is alright, not great and has some shake, but no big deal. Brakes are a little mushy compared to what I am used to. Stereo is nice for a stock unit and the headlights and foglights are killer for seeing through the darkest roads. I dont have any wind noise and I have the full rack on top.