2 Star Reviews for Mercury Mystique

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4.02/5 Average
61 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 61.00
  • Meh - 1998 Mercury Mystique
    By -

    My parents got this car for my sister when she was 17 as a first car. The first day she drove it, when she drove faster than 45 the car started to buck, the transmission was slipping. Weve put more money into this car then we paid for it. Now Im 17 (shes almost 21 now) and its mine now. Not too fun to drive, its very jerky when changing gears and its really uncomfortable. My dad and I drove about an hour in it and we got out numb. After fixing it up a bit, shes running pretty good, but we still call it the Mercury "Mistake" because it is pretty much fail. The trunk for some reason floods when I open it up after it rains

  • Hate it - 1998 Mercury Mystique
    By -

    When I bought this car on auction with hi mileage 120K and for only $1500 I expected problems. But so far it seems that everytime I turn the key something else goes wrong. Right now I Have already doubled the ammount I payed for it in repairs and still have a transmission problem and oil leak I have to force my shifter to get it in gear and i have a short in the in the line for my turn signals and my AC has gone out.

  • NO! - 1998 Mercury Mystique
    By -

    I bought the car with 15,000 miles on it 3.5 years ago and today it is junk. It was a constant nightmare. The timing belt, sensors, struts, spoiler, overhead interior lights, broken power windows, and numerous other electrical problems ended up costing a fortune in repairs. Last week cracked gaskets enabled antifreeze to leak into the oil, which totally destroyed the engine. For a car with slightly less than 90,000 miles on it (that has been regularly serviced throughout the years), it ended up being a major disaster. PLEASE think twice if you are considering the "Mistake" as my friends have come to call it.

  • This Car Is the "Mercury MISTAKE" - 1998 Mercury Mystique
    By -

    My LS Mystique (Mistake)has been nothing but a problem from the beginning. The transmission was replaced before the car was even three years old. The original paint job began to crack at less than three years and had to be repainted. The dealer installed premium 6 disc CD changer and premium speakers have had excessive mechanical difficulties. The list of constant repairs has been going on from the beginning. I will never buy a Mercury again and for that matter will never buy an American car again. I will most certainly be buying a Toyota for my next vehicle.

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