Overview & Reviews
The Chevrolet Colorado is Chevy's entry in the highly competitive compact truck segment. Like its rivals, the Colorado is closer to midsize than truly compact. Accordingly, it offers a reasonable amount of hauling capability without the added cost and bulk of a full-size pickup. As is customary in this segment, Chevrolet offers extended-cab and four-door crew-cab layouts, multiple bed lengths and available off-road preparation.
Older versions of the Chevy Colorado could be worth a look if you need a basic work truck, but their four- and five-cylinder engines are weak for this class (though you may find a few examples with a robust optional V8 engine). Colorados from 2015 and later are dramatically better, with competitive powertrains, up-to-date technology features and a spacious interior.
User Reviews:
Showing 1 through 10 of 661.00-
What a piece of crap!! - 2015 Chevrolet Colorado
By Brittany - November 28 - 1:28 amI have owned this truck for 7 months now. Im about to take it to the mechanic for the 5th time. The first month I had it the radio, back up camera, blinker clicks, horn honk, and USB port went out. At month 4 the ac went out. The transmission skips when you are doing a constant speed, the dealership told me its because the "gears are wound so tightly the truck is having a hard time figuring out what gear to be in." The radio and back up camera have went out a total of 8 times, every time I take it in they say nothing is wrong when they run their diagnostics. Im paying 600$ a month for a truck that runs like crap! I will NEVER buy another Chevy as long as I live. Save yourself the headache! The headlights went out tonight. So I have a truck less than a year old that I cant drive at night. This truck is a nightmare!
Never shouldnt have gotten a government bailout - 2015 Chevrolet Colorado
By Eric - November 6 - 4:11 amLet me start off by saying I had a 2013 Chevy spark after seven times to fix the air condition they bought it back under lemon law under the condition that they ask me to buy another chevy which I did I got A 2015 work truck Chevy Colorado well this is definitely POS I had to go to the dealership several times the transmission ships very awkwardly on the highway Ive already problems with the speed sensor and traction control which has shorted out due to the rain which makes no sense.. it was also missing annoyed silent boot on a the engine which made it sound I like the engine was in the truck with me while I was driving.. and also the hood shakes and moves a lot on the highway looks like it wants to come off shame on you general motor.. if I wanted junk I would have gone to the junkyard
Use caution when buying a 2015 Chevy COlorado Z71 - 2015 Chevrolet Colorado
By Steve Clendenin - October 20 - 6:34 pmI ordered a 2015 Chevy Colorado back in August 2014 and waited 93 days until it was delivered. I received my 2015 Z71 Extended Cab 3.6L on December 3 2014 and as of October 20, 2015 I currently only have 7,300 miles. I am right under 63" and the truck is not designed for anyone over 6 tall. I can not have my arm and elbow out the window when the windows are down and the aero dynamics makes you feel like your in a wind tunnel with the slightest breeze with the windows down. I still have not had over 19 MPG in the 10+ months I have owned this truck and the transmission is a completely new issue with not enough room here to write about. It will randomly shift between gears when driving on a flat plane. It will drop down 2 gears when you try to pass another vehicle, resulting in the RPMs to redline and the MPH not even increasing all while jerking you around the cab. I also purchased the leather - fully adjustable seats which leaves much to be desired. The seat will only lower so far and of lowering farther, it will just lean back resulting in a very uncomfortable sit and blind spots from the rear view mirror. I would not recommend anyone to buy one of these trucks without test driving it for at least a full 24 hours in every imaginable scenario you would ever be in. I am just trying to pay mine down enough and keep miles off to sell it and not loose the 3 1/2 years of saving of $14k I put down on it.
Epic Fail - 2005 Chevrolet Colorado
By Gunslinger - August 8 - 7:42 pmThe truck is an electrical and engine mechanical nightmare. Problems are too many to list. But here is a few common annoying issues. Tires wear on the front end no matter how many or by who the alignment is done by. There is a theft deterrent ignition that will make you late to muliple appointments on a regular basis. Changein the ignition switch is a costly waist of time. The fix for this issue is to wait 10minutes and try again starting the truck. Hopefully it does. The blower for the a/c works when it wants to. Eventually leadeing to a 100% failure burning out the wireing harness also. Dash lighting works 60% of the time. There is a sound made by the engine top end that sounds like the truck is a diesel. This is a gasoline engined vehicle. Exhause manifold cracks if water is splashed on it while driveing. Basically this is why chevrolet is no longer the manufacturer of choice for me. Ive been a chevy fan for most of my life. They managed to change my opinion by designeing and building this truck with the help of crackheads.
Emmission problemm not reported by cheve to customer - 2006 Chevrolet Colorado
By nabid - December 4 - 11:43 amI have 2006 cheve colorado pick up,it failed several time smog test,i spent a lot of money to the local mechanics for diagnose,it came as internal leak,missfiring.it was a major manufacture deffect but Cheve never send me any letter to infor for any recall,finally when i took to dealer they told me there is a memo that this model has a deffect,they have to open all engine to fix the problem..i was shocked WHY CHEVE DID NOT INFORMED ME AND OTHERS CUSTMERS AND WERE CHEATING.ITS SHAME FOR CHEVE AND THEIR MANAGEMANT..WILL NEVER TRUST CHEVE AGAIN.
Dont buy - 2010 Chevrolet Colorado
By Not Happy - November 15 - 2:00 amDo not buy this vehicle. If you only have a 10 minute drive to and from work OK but as long as it doesnt snow. Dont worry about talking on your cell phone. There is so much interior noise at times you cant. Only good thing, I didnt have to pay for it. The price is our of line with quality. Poor gas mileage, only gets 19mph with the inline 5cyl. Rough ride and uncomfortable seats. Could this be one reason why Chevy needed a bail-out.
The Bitterness of Poor Quality - 2005 Chevrolet Colorado
By Bill - February 16 - 6:33 pmIn the year that Ive owned this truck, Ive gone through 3 sets of tires, 8 alignments, 2 body control modules, and 2 brake light switches. Chevy knows about a serious problem with the front suspension on this truck (theyve issued 5 service bulletins to their dealerships on this subject) that causes the front tires to wear prematurely and excessive vibration. The truck wont hold an alignment. What is worse is that Ive been in the process of lemon lawing this truck since March and Chevrolet refuses to acknowledge or take responsibility for the problem. The tires are so bad now that the treads are separating. Whatever you do spare yourself the horrible experience of owning a Colorado.
Poor excuse for a truck - 2006 Chevrolet Colorado
By tjwinps - December 9 - 3:41 pmI now have 6,600 miles on this truck. It has been in the shop 21 times in those few miles. The brakes are soft and when pressed down in a medium braking situation, the brakes go down below the gas pedal. It has made for some pretty hairy stops. As far as the gas mileage is concerned, it is really bad. I would not reccomend this truck to anyone. It looks like Chevy copied Nissan and then threw it together. The center arm rest is so cheap that I am afraid that it is going to fall off if I put my arm on it.
Worst truck on the market! - 2006 Chevrolet Colorado
By Bob Pitts - July 14 - 9:35 amAlthough the styling is nice, the performance of the truck is terrible. I cannot believe Chevrolet has sunk to this level offering a truck that is subpar with any I have ever bought. I wish now I had never walked into the Chevy that day. I should have walked across the street and purchased a Toyota. I will never buy another Chevrolet again.
Buy a Silverado instead - 2015 Chevrolet Colorado
By Junior K - July 22 - 9:54 amI traded my 2014 Silverado for the 2015 Colorado based on the size. I had broken my ankle and it was a little more difficult to get into the Silverado because of its height so I buckled down and bought the Colorado with a Crew Cab. Beautiful looking truck that seemed to ride nice on the Test Drive. The next day I had this weird feeling that I shouldnt have traded, but I really didnt know why. My first trip to my dads house which is an hour and a half from me on hills and winding turns, it handled really great but it wasnt shifting right. The dealer didnt know why at first but was willing to try to find out why. I was going to try to keep it awhile to get it paid down but then several recalls later and many visits to the dealership, it just cost me money. The dealership was 30 minutes away so even with the warrantys I still spent a lot in gas going back and forth from the dealership. The gas Mileage wasnt as good as it should have been compared to the Silverado. I got almost the same gas mileage. I was missing my Silverado more and more every day. I was leaving my job one day after a hard days work and I threw the truck in Reverse to back out of my spot and then I went into drive and thats when the Gearshift just fell off, I mean completely off. I had no gears but that, so I had to go straight to the dealership, I couldnt back up or anything. They fixed it and gave me a car to drive, and then later I had to have my dash and cameras replaced. The shifting seem to get worse the longer I had it and then it started using oil. The oil was 2 quarts low at time of change. The straw that broke the camels back was the AC. It worked great but the line that goes from the AC Pump to the vents was corroded and ended up causing mold to form behind the dash which smelled so bad that I almost vomited the day I decided enough is enough. I have always been a Chevy fan and I still am but I have not had a good experience with this truck. I went out on June 30th and traded it in for a 2017 Silverado. I must say that I believe Im going to be happy again. I didnt have that feeling the next day like I did with the Colorado. I didnt know why I had that feeling but I think there was something to it. Would I recommend this truck?...If you want a smaller truck that looks good and has a good stereo then yes I would, but if you want quite in the cab as well as smooth shifting and more comfort and reliability, then no I would not. The only thing about this truck I liked was the Color and the Bose Sound System. That is it.