1996 Audi A4 Research & Reviews

Overview & Reviews

Average Score

4.37/5 Average
43 Total Reviews
This Year's Model Updates:

All new, the A4 replaces the compact 90. This car performs better than the lackluster 90, and features a full load of standard features. Plus, it's drop-dead gorgeous. For the first time, a five-speed automatic transmission is available with the optional Quattro all-wheel-drive system.


User Reviews:

Showing 21 through 30 of 43.00
  • Generally a great car - 1996 Audi A4
    By -

    Love the car. Im the third owner. I have had to replace the air conditioner, and recently, the transmission. That means I will be keeping it for at least a couple more years to recover those costs. It is in excellent shape and drives like a dream, so I have no problems with that. Warning: all problems should be addressed early when they show up.

  • Keep my fingers crossed - 1996 Audi A4
    By -

    Ive been only owning this vehicle since Sep 2003. 2 months after I bought it, the thermostat broke down and it made the coolant temp boiling. Luckily I got it fixed at a minimal cost at $147Cdn at a friends garage. I hope it keep away from problems.

  • Think Carefully - 1996 Audi A4
    By -

    I love my A4 but the reviews are true. My model year recd high marks for everything Xcpt suspension these cars crush themselves under their own wght & wear down the assoc parts more quickly. Its a heavy car and it makes a difference in an accident I was broadsided at 35mph I lost my rear passenger door and some trim but wasnt hurt. Interior ergonomics second to none 5-speed auto is silk. Get 30mpg on the highway with the 2.8L. Its prudent to get the timing belt changed much earlier than the rcmmndd mfgr mlge date. These are things that have to be done on any auto anyway.

  • Sweet ride - 1996 Audi A4
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    I bought this car to move to Colorado and she is great! Even without Quattro she works great in the snow. Faster then the quattros i tried to. Lighter and more power at the wheels. Very Classy. The engineering is outstanding. The little things like auto down for all four windows. Easy open hood latch. All windows close with the turn of the key.

  • Perfect - 1996 Audi A4
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    I have had this car for three years, and it is the best. I have enjoy my A4 more than any other car.

  • I Like it Alot!!!!! - 1996 Audi A4
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    Bought the car brand new in 1996 and after having a 1981 Rabbit, I thought that this car was absolutly exceptional! The engine was very good and pretty fast. The interior was very luxerious and the features and amentities were awsome. This car was ahuge leap in history for Audi. (from the old 80 and 90.)And I am glad that I bought it! Isold it in 2000 and bought an S4. The S4 is a rocket ship-I wrote a review for that too.

  • 1996 Audi A4 Quatro - 1996 Audi A4
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    This is a car that is fun to drive. It has exeptional cornering ability. The brakes let you stop on a dime. I like the precision in the steering it is tight and exact. I also like the built- in antenna in the rear window. One less item to cause problems.

  • like... German - 1996 Audi A4
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    I bought it when it was brand new, I mean in pearl white it looks all shiny and classy at the same time. Now, at 75,500 miles its been running pretty good, no major problems, even though Ive beaten the living **** out of the poor thing over the years. Amazing. Eats brakes like theres no tommorow, and they spit tons of dust, so a week after you wash it the rims already look filthy dark. Oh and they squeak a lot, kinda like an 18-wheeler during emergency stop. Power windows scream a lot too, when you roll them down in a hot day. Power with the 5-speed is adequate.

  • Reliability and Maintenance are Problems - 1996 Audi A4
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    Its true -- after the initial warranty comes off, things start going wrong! I have sunk over $7k in this car since 1998. I was going to give it to my daughter. No way Ill do that no. Car is good looking and drives great but I have lost confidence in Audi reliability. Wasnt that their problem in the 80s? CV boot, air bag, rack and oinion steering, engine seals, body parts, and now the air conditioning! Even "normal maintenance" is expensive - over $700 for brake pads, etc. Dealer labor is expensive. Forgetaboutit! Buy Japanese. German is prestigeous and snobby but expensive and finicky all around. Kind of like paying to be snobbish.

  • Love/Hate Relationship - 1996 Audi A4
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    Bought with 65K miles 18 months ago. I spend alot of time behind the wheel, felt A4 would be nice ride that I could put tons of miles on.First 2 months were torture.Check engine light went on every other week.Oxygen sensors replaced twice b4 problem resolved. Since then I have put over 50K miles on this car with no major problems.Only issues are minor electrical glitches (ie stereo, climate cont. display, moonroof).Overall: would buy another from a good dealer with a good warranty.

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