1 Star Reviews for Ford Probe

Overview & Reviews

Average Score

4.28/5 Average
258 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 258.00
  • Never EVER Again - 1993 Ford Probe
    By -

    Never again will I buy a probe. In just a year of owning this car, Ive had to replace both CV joints (one more than once), replace the whole radiator, replace the distribitor, replaced the front brake pads a few times, the rotors once, repair on the head gaskets, and replace the timing belt. Right now, the transmission is almost completely gone and I have a blown water hose. When it rains, it pours with this vehicle. Price for repair is outrageous. Thank goodness they dont make this cars anymore!!

  • The Card Tower of Cars? - 1995 Ford Probe
    By -

    From the moment you drive off the lot, the car decreases in value. True. This thing was worth about as much as a sixteenth of a gallon of gas once I drove onto the highway and the transmission started clunking. Since, parts have been falling out and breaking, and the car smells like dead fish in late August. It looks like an 80s box-mobile too. Please, no matter how little cash you have, do not get a Probe

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