4 Star Reviews for 1995 Dodge Spirit

Overview & Reviews

Average Score

4.09/5 Average
4 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 4 of 4.00
  • 10 YEARS & WONDERFUL - 1995 Dodge Spirit
    By -

    Had this car brand new and 10 years going strong. Extremely reliable and great ride. Gone to trade in several times and could not justify because of its excellent performance and smooth ride. Built solid. Gonna drive it till it dies. Saving to give to son because of its features.

  • Solid Spirit - 1995 Dodge Spirit
    By -

    Bought this car out of the showroom as one of the last Spirits built. 3.0 L V-6 has gobs of torque and launches of the line like a 5.0 Mustang, but runs out of steam early. Gas mileage is great (25 mpg avg) for a torquey V-6. Comfortable,reliable and absolutely no rust!!!! Not bad for an 8 year old car.

  • 1
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