3 Star Reviews for Cadillac Eldorado

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4.50/5 Average
191 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 191.00
  • Prettiest pile of junk I ever owned - 1992 Cadillac Eldorado
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    This is a beautiful car but that beauty is only skin deep. Below the skin is a mechanical junk pile of the poorest engineeering I have ever seen and I am an engineer. I thought I was buying the ultimate in American automotive engineering. In 110,000 miles I have gone thru 3 alternators, 4 water pumps, at least 5 serpentine belts, one catalytic converter and numerous failures to pass smog tests. The drivers side window does not operate properly. The radio, Bose system, is all snap, crackle and pop. Oh, and now the drivers side view mirror does not work, and the heater has given up. Like I said, it is the prettiest pile of junk I have ever owned.

  • Trouble starting - 1996 Cadillac Eldorado
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    I inherited this car from my father and thought I would be able to keep it forever. It rides nicely and Ive learned how to handle it. As it has aged, it doesnt start up right away. We takes bets on how many times I have to turn the key before the engine starts each day. Then it is fine for the rest of the day. My mechanic cant fix it. I am afraid to get stuck too far away from home. But I still keep it for sentimental value.

  • Lemon year-run as fast as you can - 1994 Cadillac Eldorado
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    I bought this car with 57,000 on it and have put almost $10,000 into it in the last 2 years and it keeps breaking down about every 2 months and cost about $500 or more to fix. I feel guilty selling the car to somebody else because I know they will have the same trouble. The car stalls after you drive 5 miles. I get it fixed and then it works for a while and then breaks again. It pours oil. The tranny is jerking and pretty much I feel like every time I drive it I am lucky to get it home to the driveway again. It is a beautiful Pearl White car and I wish someone could pinpoint the stalling problem. If anyone knows about the stalling let me know. It stalls when I slow down or stop.

  • Dog - 2001 Cadillac Eldorado
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    I love everything about this car except for its reliability. Mine died with only 1,400 miles on it and needed a tow off the interstate. I should have known then. Over its life, it has had four dead batteries, over $2,000 so far in electrical repairs, and latest is over 7 days in the shop with 24 indicators in the computer. The GM tech center is taking bets on what the problem is. Many parts have been replaced, so far including the computer itself. This is the last Cadillac I will ever own (first one was an 84, remember those engines that blew up?). I have never owned a "foreign" car, but this one has done it. For the first time in 50 years, I am considering a nice Japanese vehicle.

  • Very Very Very Upset - 1998 Cadillac Eldorado
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    When I first got my 1998 Cadillac Eldorado, I loved it no doubt about it. It is very classy and very comfy and the price was right. It gives a very nice ride. However after my first two years with it everything that could go wrong did. I completly replaced the cooling system in the engine I mean everything from the water pump to the radiator every hose and even the bucket the holds the coolent. It was just this great big money pit. Finally the head gasket went that was a mini fourturne to replace. The Northstar engine is the biggest joke 10 mechanics said the same thing. Im also very upset with the way Cadilac treated me they were so rude and fought me on every problem.

  • Sad Eldo - 1994 Cadillac Eldorado
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    My 1994 Cadillac Eldorado could have been a classic, but like a typical American made product, Ive had nothing but problems with this car. The engine leaks oil. I never could really use it the way I had hoped. such as on long trips across country in comfort. It was always on the verge of breaking down. My Eldorado was very poorly built and had lousy fit and finish. No more Cadillacs for me.

  • Nice to look at, thats all. - 1997 Cadillac Eldorado
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    I own an Eldorado touring coupe, and trust me the looks are the only good traits. Since I bought this car the AC has went out three times and living in Florida AC is a must. Service Engine Soon Light goes on and off wheneever it wants, so do the digital sensors. The water hose belt gets tangled at least once a month and causes car to overheat even aftertaking it to the dealership to replace the belt and pulleys. I am disappointed in Cadillac for this one.

  • Eldorad OH NO! - 1997 Cadillac Eldorado
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    Bought it used.Seemed like a solid dependable car,but the radiator started leaking(cheap plastic).Then the check engine light came on.While waiting for the diagonsis the mechanics guessed that it might be a big problem with some oil valve something.It wasnt, just a clogged EGR tube which they said was typical.It uses oil, gets less than anticipated mpg,A/C cools less than a Caddy should,and warning lights go off and on without rhyme or reason.The A/C conked out in midwinter and I may not bother with fixing.The turn signal lever needed to be fixed,too.I am not satisfied and wish I had heard about these problems before deciding on a Caddy.

  • I love it - I hate it - 1991 Cadillac Eldorado
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    Have always loved the styling of the Cadillacs of this era, its longer hood, shorter rear and wide stance give it a distinctive feature not found often anymore. It offers decent ride quality, good gas mileage for a full size car, excellent power from the 4.9L engine . The tranny is probably the smoothest tranny I have ever had the pleasure to experience, whether it is cruising or mashing the throttle to pass on the highway. Fuel economy is 17MPG where I drive city/highway, but more highway would yield up to 24MPG from what I have seen - thanks to the OD.

  • Never again - 1997 Cadillac Eldorado
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    Beautiful car ,sporty car and full of speed, but things happen to it and there is no explaination. The problems are evidently fixed with just luck. The service personnel work digilently and it is apparently a lot of experietmenting to solve the numerous problems. The first problem was a whinning sound from the front of the vehicle. The second problem was the car dies at any speed it was fixed after 2 months but the problem has returned. The car has had a cracked head and the steering broke on a trip.

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