2 Star Reviews for Mercedes-Benz GLE Class

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4.08/5 Average
12 Total Reviews

User Reviews:

Showing 1 through 10 of 12.00
  • What a disappointment!!! - 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLE Class
    By -

    For $136K with tax and license I expected something better. Opinions vary on looks, but I think it is a great, impressive looking car. It is fast, quiet, and feels very solid and comfortable on the road. The airmatic suspension is wonderful in leveling out the ride even in turns. The upgraded B&O stereo is amazing. Its failings are many. I cannot get the seat comfortable. The problem for me is where my legs leave the front edge of the seat. There is no thigh support extension on the AMG GLE 63 Coupe. I have the multicontour seats. You can adjust the side bolsters and front edge. Like blowing up air bags. The side bolsters will hold you nice and firm. The front edge of the seat with the air cushion is just plain uncomfortable. Like sleeping on a blowup air mattress. It is hard at any inflation level. Really, really annoying to me. The navigation system is totally worthless. I dont even want to detail all the problems with it. From laboriously putting in an address to a voice control that functions only with exact addresses, if it understands you at all, and I mean exact. If you manage to get your destination in, navigation can be a problem as well as it tells me to turn when I am in the middle of making the turn, not beforehand. Thankfully Android Auto with Google navigation functions great on the car, but then you have to plug your phone in and out everytime you come and go. An annoyance. I am thinking of getting a cell phone just to leave hooked up to the car. All the safety electronic stuff is worthless. The Active Blind Spot Assist and the Lane Keeping Assist work only at certain speeds and with specific road conditions and markings. So it is totally unreliable. The Stop and Go cruise control is also problematic and not the convenience it is advertised to be. Even the Eco engine feature only works under certain conditions. If too many electronics are on, it wont work as to not drain the battery. Too many electronics as in AC, stereo, and ventilated seats!!! So this car excels as a Sport SUV car, but really, really fails as a luxury coupe. I would not buy another one, and I find the seat so uncomfortable, I am considering taking the loss and trading it in for some other car.

  • 2017 GLE 350 - 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLE Class
    By -

    Great ride and handling as you can expect with German Cars in general. I owned the ML350 before and I thought it had better ride than this one. Gas mileage is OK and consistent with specifications. Roomy interior but higher seats seem to interfere with tall person getting in and out. Pros: looks sharp and has a great road feel. Lane departure warning is excellent and highly recommended. Cons: electronics user interface are extremely poor, even dangerous. Voice command is decade old technology. Dont waist your money on Smartronix package it is useless at best - Does not self park as you might be led to believe and the cameras do not activate automatically when you pull into a parking spot. Small screen without touch screen option is a HUGE miss considering the cumbersome user interface. I bought the car 2 months ago because Android Auto is a "must have". The car is already in the shop because Android Auto is not working. Just think That because something sounds great, it may not be implemented as such. Mercedes has not been able to fix the Android Auto problem and has no projected date when it will be! Mercedes is a hollow brand, neither luxury nor reliability or customer service.

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