Overview & Reviews
User Reviews:
Showing 41 through 50 of 95.00-
Great interior, looks, and tech - a few minor issu - 2017 Honda CR-V
By MDCRVOwner - August 5 - 7:35 amWe have owned three Honda vehicles, including a Honda Pilot, before we switched to Ford for the last two cars that we owned. After reading reviews of the CRV and drooling over pics, we purchased a 2017 CRV Touring AWD three days ago. I wanted something very practical (so I can sit in traffic in comfort) with good fuel economy and the CRV really delivers. Among the positives - the interior is well appointed and sized really well (it feels just a bit smaller than our old Pilot, but not cramped in any way). The tech on the vehicle is excellent including the Apple CarPlay and the adaptive cruise control. I also really like the styling on the vehicle. I always thought the previous generation CRVs looked a little uhhh...frumpy. They have done a great job in moving to more of a true SUV look with the vehicle and I really like it. Handling is excellent and body roll is minimal. On the negatives power is a little wimpy (Im coming from a 280 HP sedan), but adequate and Im fine with it considering the fuel economy. One thing that bugs me a little is that the fan on the heat/air conditioning is pretty loud, especially when the car is first started and is coming to temperature. It is loud enough that people on the phone have trouble hearing me. I just turn down the fan while Im on the phone. I also had one instance where the nav system did not boot fully. It came up to the blue Honda background, but no icons appeared, not even the home icon...nothing. I therefore had no way to tune the radio or use the climate controls. At the next stop light, I shut the car down and started again. Still no icons on the screen. At the next light, I shut down again and waited for the H on the drivers screen to completely disappear. I restarted and this time the nav system fully booted and I was able to use normal functions. This has happened one time out of the three days that I have owned the car. I alerted the dealer to this issue and will continue to track it. Even with this minor issue, I can say that over the three days that I have owned the CRV, my opinion of this vehicle has increased. It is a total package combining a great interior, exterior, technology and fuel efficiency into a very practical vehicle. Would buy again without hesitation. Update: After a week of ownership, I have had no further issues with the Nav system. Also, with more moderate outdoor temperatures later in the week, the climate control system has not had to work as hard and therefore fan noise inside the CRV has been much lower.
Nice Car. - 2017 Honda CR-V
By Teddy P - July 24 - 12:49 amNice affordable vehicle.
A lot of money...not sure its worth it - 2017 Honda CR-V
By JD Petrarca - July 7 - 4:46 pmThis is not my favorite vehicle I have owned, but it will do. When you buy it be prepared for the hard sell of all the "extras" that you dont need. That alone has soured me on the car. Its comfortable and relatively quiet. Am still waiting on the title- previous new cars I have purchased I received the title right away and was able to get plates, now I will either have to waste part of a vacation day or take up part of my Saturday standing in line at the BMV. Need to have the car a little longer to determine reliability, ease in handling during inclement weather, etc. Truth be told, wish I bought a Suburu.
Never buy Honda CR-V - 2017 Honda CR-V
By Shaw - June 10 - 11:26 pmI bought a new Honda CR-V EX 2017 in February 2017 from the dealership, Castle Honda, in Morton Grove, IL. The car has problem getting started and, as a result, has become very unreliable and undependable. It has happened four times already and three times in less than last three weeks. First time the problem happened in August 2017 when I tried to start it after not driving it for a week when I was in vacation. I was able to jump start it with my other car. Second time the problem happened on 12/11/2017 and I was not able to jump start the car. I had to call the Honda roadside assistance on 12/12/2017 to tow the car but the tow truck guy was able to jump start the car. I drove the car to Castle Honda, the service department did some testing of the battery and said the battery was fine and they did not know the reason for the problem. I told them about the tailgate door not working properly as well, they tested that also and informed me that the struts were broken and and they ordered those parts. I drove back the car home hoping that the problem was fixed. I drove the car to Castle Honda again on 12/14/2017 to install the tailgate door struts. I am yet to find out what else is wrong with this car. Third time the problem happened on 12/29/2017 and I was not able to jump start the car. I called the Honda roadside assistance and this time they sent a guy to jump start the car. I drove the car to Castle Honda, the service department tested the battery again and said the battery was fine and they did not know the reason for the problem. They told me to tow the car next time the problem reoccured. I again drove the car home hoping that the problem was fixed. Fourth time the problem happened was on 12/31/2017. I had to wait and seek roadside assistance on 1/2/2018 as the dealership was closed on 12/31/2017 and 1/1/2018. I called the Honda roadside assistance around 6.30 AM and requested specifically for the car to be towed, they said the expected time was between 3 and 8 hours. The tow truck showed up to pick up the car around 11 AM. The tow truck guy from J-TEAM AUTOMOTIVE declined to tow the car and started showing lots of silly excuses of why he could not do it. I did not want to let him go and wait another 5 hours before any help arrived and so I let him jump start the car. I drove the car to Castle Honda and turned it off while waiting in the queue in front of me, the car could not be started after that. The dealership service department tested the battery and this time found the battery to have issues and replaced it. I do not know if this will resolve the issues with the car and the car continues to be as unreliable and undependable as it were. It appears to me that the dealership sold me a faulty car which has caused me lots of inconvenience and has costed me quite a bit in terms of hassle, time spent on the issues and missed work. I have been in contact with American Honda since 12/11/2017 and they have opened up a case on my car. The case manager keeps telling me that they bear no responsibility for the dealership or the roadside assistance and also only thing American Honda can do is to fix any issue the car may have since that’s what warranty is for. He does not appear to understand that having too many issues like I experience make Honda CR-V a inferior quality product, American Honda a low-grade manufacturer and Castle Honda a low-grade dealer. I have extremely negative customer experience with Honda CR-V, American Honda and Castle Honda. I will never buy any Honda product and tell others not to buy Honda products as well.
Never wanted a crv - 2017 Honda CR-V
By Anugent - February 12 - 6:26 pmI drove everything out there, mazda, ford, toyota, Hyundai... didnt even look at the 16 crv... freind had one... not interested. Then saw a bit online about the 17... so i thought i would wait till it came out before buying... all the pro reviews were exceptional.. well the day it was available in the us i drove one. And... bought it. I love it. Beautiful car. Extraordinary interior. Turbo is awesome. Technology is kinda mind blowing... love the auto headlights. Android auto works extremely well. Today.. i got 38 mpg on a 70 mile trip... averaging 32 combined. Awesome car.
Fun to Drive - 2017 Honda CR-V
By Monroe Freeman Jr - December 17 - 9:43 pmI have only had my 2017 CR-V AWD for about 2 weeks; however, I am enjoying it immensely. Three family members have one and they are very pleased with theirs.
Great ride and value - 2017 Honda CR-V
By Very satisfied crv owner - November 19 - 12:29 amHonda has stepped up the crv with its styling, features and safety. One test drive and the explanation of all the standard features and we were sold. The EX with the turbo is all you need unless you really need leather seats,navigation or roof racks.Your phones navigation can be connected and it works great. The adaptive cruise control and lane centering features make driving relaxing(it practically drives itself). Drove from Ct to Florida and back with a loaded vehicle at 70-75mph and averaged about 37mpg. Touch screen is easy to see and use. Traded in a 2014 Toyota Camry se and my auto insurance actually dropped in price. Only negative Honda had no incentives or financing specials, but it is still a great value. No other SUV in this price range or higher can compete with this crv, I checked them all out.
A big disappointment - 2017 Honda CR-V
By C. Ortiz - November 6 - 7:43 amOverall this car was a disappointment. I bought it mainly for the gas mileage. Honda claims it gives 28-32 mpg. I drive conservatively and I am lucky to get 22 mpg. I was expecting it to be a couple of miles under claimed values but not 10 miles. As far as I am concerned, Honda is false advertising.... Performance and material quality is not much better either.
Another great Honda - 2017 Honda CR-V
By Matt.N - September 4 - 4:00 amI am bias, love Honda, 6 of them so far and 2nd CRV, they are reliable, easy to maintenance, best of all the handling is of one the best for "low" end vehicle. Tested drive Hyundai Tucson, Santa fe, Nissan Rogue, Mazda CX5 (bad), and Subaru Outback which better handling a bit but slower acceleration. I like how Honda hugs the curve at high speed, responsive. Test drive like this to see how the vehicle can help avoiding accident, as expected, turning radius is small. The vehicle can steer itself through gentle curve at highway speed, even at late dawn. 30MPG @ 80 MPH, 28MPG @ mix city/hwy. Capless gas tank is cool, hope it is ok for a long time. 25700 CRV EX AWD + 800 dealer fee (makeup profit fee) 100 doc fee + state mandatory fee
Even better than expected - 2017 Honda CR-V
By Dennis Myers - July 4 - 12:13 amWe have all experienced having the thought of owning something being far superior to the actual possession. With the 2017 CR-V Touring model, this is definitely NOT the case. I am now four days into having traded in a 2013 CR-V EX-L for a 2017 Touring model I have lusted after this model since it was announced. The end of model year deals made the numbers finally work out. Nothing has disappointed me. I love the technology, comfort, looks, and performance. Took a day trip over the weekend and fell in love with the adaptive cruise control and lane keeping assistance features, These features make driving less tiring. The noise level has been reduced substantially. If I had to come up with a negative, it would be the lack of a selector knob on the radio. On occasion, it takes a little more driver involvement than one would prefer in order to change stations. Also, I havent figured out yet if I can still use voice commands for changing stations. In summary, I cannot believe that anyone will be disappointed with owing oneof these jewels.